Monday, November 23, 2009

Update on Little Bug

I thought I would take a moment to update you all on little miss Anastasia...AKA....Little Bug. I'm not sure why I started calling her Bug. Maybe it was because I was always told that my dad called me Bug when I was little, or maybe because when Anastasia was born I thought she looked a bit like a cute bug?? :) Either way, you'll find me often calling her Bug more than I do anything else.

Let's see...where to start. Well, as you know she just had her 2nd birthday and all sorts of "big girl" things have been happening. We made her crib into a big girl bed and I couldn't believe how emotional I was about it. We also decided to take the rocking chair out of her room. We had been rocking with her in that chair every night since she was born! She rarely would fall asleep in our arms anymore, but if it looked like it might happen, I have to admit I'd let her...I just couldn't resist. But, typically that would just be the spot where we'd read our bed time stories and then off to the crib she would go. Well, now we just sit on the floor next to the bed to read our stories. Although, more and more I am catching Jordan laying in bed with her telling her stories about Princess adorable...she loves it!! What else......well, she has been potty trained during the day for about 4 months now and boy is she miss independent when it comes to that! Her famous phrase around the house is "No, I do that all by myself!" Every morning she uses the potty and always insists on taking her jammies and undies off by herself. She tries really hard, but at some point she usually still needs my help. And shoes!! She loves her shoes!! She will put them on and take them off many times throughout the day....she's getting pretty good with that! My favorite thing though, is when she tells me she wants to play in her room all by herself....she's been doing this for about the last 2 months and it's so cute how she plays. I'll be downstairs making lunch or reading a magazine and I'll listen to her on the monitor talk to her babies..."No baby"...."Oh, sorry baby"..."This way baby"..."Let's go to the store baby"..."Go in your bouncy seat baby". And as I write I am listening to her sing to her babies, "Twinkle, twinkle little you are....up in the sky like a diamond." :) She is such a little person it amazes me! I can't get over how much they grow around this age. It is so much fun to watch!! OH...and lets not forget about her talking....her never-ending, non-stop talking! Jordan says he burns calories just listening to her:) I guess she is a girl after all. One day she said an 11 word sentence!! I know, I know...that's the teacher in me talking, but it was pretty great:)

I adore this little girl so much and I'm loving every moment of her growing and learning!!

**My sister was in town and took some pictures of our little family...thanks Jen!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Signature Sin

"Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me. Then I will teach transgressors your ways, and sinners will turn back to you." Psalm 51:10-13

These verses were in my Bible study last week and the words keep playing over and over in my head. I have had a hard week dealing with my emotions and letting the daily tasks of life overwhelm me. I feel like I can't get it all done...there are just too many directions in which I'm being pulled. The end result is me sitting on the couch staring at the wall and just not caring about anything. I know I should be able to live with the craziness of life and still love Jesus with all my heart, but instead I go go go until my batteries run out and all that is left is a blurry memory of a week or even a month at times.....all the while not really living and experiencing life the way God has intended me to. I call this my "signature sin". I heard that term a few months back and I love it because it really makes sense for me. The amount of time always varies, but the end result is always the same...a screeching halt followed by the weight of the world on my shoulders. Anxiety sets in, worry, guilt, pressure, and I just throw my hands up. Do you ever feel like you struggle with the same things over and over matter how hard you try to avoid it? Well, these verses have been so encouraging for me. I especially love "Restore to me the joy of your salvation..." While I'm in moments of victory I want to be able to rejoice and thank God for allowing me to experience joy, not worry about the next time I will fail. I am going to keep taking one day, one hour, one minute at a time and asking God to restore to me the joy of His salvation. It's so worth it!