Monday, October 19, 2009

Coffee Talk

I try to get up early each morning to have some quiet time before my day starts. I always seem to have better days when I make this happen. I do my Bible study, pray, or just drink my coffee in silence and think:) It's nice...usually!?!?!

This morning I'm feeling a little discontent with life. For some reason, thoughts of college are flooding my mind. Looking back everything seemed so easy...and fun!! In college I learned what it was to have a personal relationship with Jesus and He seemed SO big in my life. I always felt like God was near me, like it was easy for me to feel His direction in my life. I think in Christian lingo we call it "on fire". I felt on fire for God! This morning, on the other hand, I feel like I'm having to blow as hard as I can at the ashes just to keep the little flame going.......blah!!!!!! I try not to take for granted how blessed I am to be able to stay at home with my little girl, I really try! And I truly, truly love being a mom and wife. I guess it's just hard to feel important or used by God when my day consist of trips to the potty, cleaning up trips to the potty, wiping noses (and if you read my blog a few days ago you know how many times I do that in one day), making meals, cleaning up meals, playing with play dough for what seems like hours at a time, and whatever else I can do to keep a 2 year old occupied until daddy comes home. I know, I know.....there are hundreds of thousands of moms who do the exact same thing I do every day and always seem to have a smile on there face. My only explanation is they just must be faking it! No, no...I'm only kidding:)

I read 1 Timothy 6:6-7 this morning. "Now there is great gain in godliness with contentment, for we brought nothing into the world, and we cannot take anything out of the world."

After discussing this verse with Jordan, I'll leave you with his interpretation. He started by telling me the Greek word for contentment means self-sufficiency (remember, he's in the middle of his third Greek class so he always has to start with that:)) But then he went on to say that contentment is to not seek more than God has given us. God's sufficiency should be sufficient for me and I should rely on God to provide what I need. I can only find contentment when my heart is desiring eternal things. Even when our emotions tell us one thing, it's important to remember what God is telling us in his word.....Truth!

Time to start my day.....


  1. Ange, I just discovered your blog last week!

    Thanks for sharing your heart! I turned 27 the morning you posted these thoughts, feeling similar emotions and was truly blessed by your entry. Jordan's perspective on contentment and the verse you shared really came together for me and changed my attitude! The Lord keeps bringing me back to this post (I've read it 3 times since) and I think He's planting a little seed of change in me. So, know that you are encouraging others just by being faithful in your quiet times each morning.

    xoxo - Tina

  2. Tina,

    Thank YOU for sharing your encouraging words...and happy late birthday:) It's a comfort to know others are having similar feelings at times. I hope we all can connect soon.

    Lots of love,
